Academic Yoga Association
About the Association
Academic Yoga Association has been registered in order to unite the yoga community and to study it using the tools of contemporary science. Therefore, the definition of academic yoga and the way of understanding it are provided below.
Academic yoga is a system of work with the body based on hatha yoga physical exercises and relaxation techniques.
The aim of academic yoga is to maintain and improve psychophysical health of a human being according to the concept of Health-Related Fitness.
It uses such methods of working with the body and mind which are reproducible, measurable and experimentally proven.
It uses experiences of various hatha yoga schools in terms of scientifically verifiable methods and techniques.
It is based on achievements in contemporary: anatomy, kinesiology, biochemistry, biology, biomechanics, philosophy, physiology, kinanthropometry, kinesio- and psycho prevention, corrective physical therapy, physical culture, medicine, neurophysiology, psychology, rehabilitation, sociology, teaching methodology and others.
It allows for one's own creativity and seeking solutions in one's own body.
The subject of interest of academic yoga is sustainable human development.
Janusz Szopa, The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice
Objectives and ways of action
The objectives of the Association are as follows:
• promoting physical culture among children, adolescents and adults through yoga,
• conducting, participating in and supporting the scientific research on yoga,
• the use, preservation and dissemination of recreation with particular emphasis on yoga,
• theoretical and practical training of the members in the system of yoga and relaxation,
• physical rehabilitation,
• health prevention,
• developing and promoting initiatives, attitudes and actions which foster the comprehensive psychophysical human development,
• developing and promoting initiatives, attitudes and actions which foster health promotion,
• organizational and material support of natural persons and organizational units that implement the above objectives.
The Association pursues its objectives by:
• organising courses, training sessions, sports camps, conferences, conventions, lectures, academic sessions, seminars related to the objectives of the Association,
• publishing activities including book publications, bulletins, journals, multimedia publications, internet site maintenance,
• contacts with national and foreign clubs and organizations with similar goals,
• consultancy, organizational and material assistance to the members and other entities that cooperate in order to achieve the statutory objectives.
Composition of the AYA Board:
• Dziadkiewicz Michał - President
• Szopa Janusz - Vice president
• Ulfik Agnieszka - Member of the Management Board.
Hatha Yoga Instructor
We inform that on the basis of the decision of the Methodical and Training Committee of the Main Board of TKKF dated 07 February 2012, we train instructors in hatha yoga according to the author's programme developed by prof. dr hab. Janusz Szopa. These types of professional courses have been organised by us since 2002 based on previously existing provisions.
The programme includes classes and lectures, such as e.g.: hatha yoga practice, methodology of teaching, anatomy, psychophysiology as well as the philosophy of yoga, Jacobson and Schultz' relaxation techniques and legal aspects of the work of the instructor.
As part of the course, the classes will be conducted by the scientific and teaching staff employed at the Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, or cooperating with it: prof. J. Szopa, dr hab. M. Grabara, dr A. Ulfik, dr J. Górna, dr M. Harciarek, dr M. Dziadkiewicz, MD Arkadiusz Ortenburger.
After passing all the exams and completing all formalities, the graduates of the course will receive the title of the "Hatha Yoga Instructor" certified by the identity card issued by the TKKF's National Methodical-Training Centre. The obtained profession entitles to conduct hatha yoga classes on ones' own, both with adults and children in clubs, recreation centres, schools etc.
The course is designed for those who wish (apart from gaining professional qualifications) to become familiar with the methodology and techniques of doing hatha yoga exercises, taking into account the achievements of modern physical education, as well as for those who want to improve their practice.
Postgraduate studies - Relaxation and yoga
Postgraduate studies „Relaxation and yoga” at the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw.
The aim of the studies is to improve skills in terms of relaxation techniques and exercises of physical yoga (hatha yoga) and to broaden one's knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics, dietetics, philosophy, physiology, history, kinesiology, methodology, prevention, psychology, recreation, therapy – sciences supporting the core subjects of the studies.
Graduates receive a certificate of completing postgraduate studies. The effects of education are defined by the resolution of the Senate of 19 March 2013 available on the website.
As part of the course, the classes are conducted by the scientific and teaching staff of universities and academies of physical education from Warsaw, Katowice and Wroclaw: prof. J. Domaniecki, dr M. Dziadkiewicz, dr J. Górna, dr M. Grabara, dr M. Harciarek, dr D. Iwańska, prof. M. Kowalczyk, prof. L. Kulmatycki, prof. J. Szopa, dr A. Ulfik, dr I. Wiszomirska, dr B. Wojtyczek.
Detailed information is available on the website of the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw:
Head of Postgraduate Studies of Relaxation and Yoga
Janusz Szopa
Relaxation course
The relaxation course is aimed at the theoretical and practical study of stress management and ways of reducing tension which occurs in the human body on daily basis. The classes will discuss, among others, scientific models of stress, its physiology, and also theoretical basics of relaxation methods. The following will be practised: Jacobson's progressive relaxation, Schultz's autogenic training, visualisations and mind concentration techniques.
It will be a 100 hour training.
The course is designed for those who want to learn to use relaxation techniques for their own needs and for those who are interested in using these methods in their career.
The subjects covered by the training programme have been taught for ages at academies of physical education, at graduate and postgraduate studies, and they are also a significant extension of the issues which we discuss with the participants of our courses for hatha yoga instructors.
Graduates of the course will receive a certificate of completing the training.
If you are interested in the proposed course, please pre-enrol at the following e-mail address: